Program Highlights
  • A.M. Best “A VIII” and “A-IX” rated carrier partners
  • ISO Commercial Excess Liability Coverage Form
  • (CX 00 01 04 13)
  • Non-admitted capabilities in all 50 states. Not currently writing in New York
  • Applicable State Surplus Lines Taxes are in addition to premium
Target Classes

Auto Services

  • Automobile repair and service
  • Auto dealers - Franchise/Non-franchise
  • Tire dealers
  • Towing/salvage

Commercial Contractors

  • Electrical work within buildings
  • HVAC
  • Janitorial
  • Masonry
  • Metal Erection
  • Plumbing
  • Street & Road (no bridge or highway work)

Mercantile and Manufacturing Classes

  • Building materials
  • Food products
  • Metal goods

Real Estate

  • Apartments, up to 5 stories, fully sprinklered (no HUD, Section 8, student occupancy or any New York locations)
  • Commercial real estate development
  • Hotel/motel
  • Warehouses


  • Construction/farm equipment dealers
  • Grocery stores/supermarkets
  • Restaurants - fast food to upscale service - subject to liquor Grade 5 and below

Specialty Auto

  • Beverage distributing
  • Concrete mixed in transit
  • Moving and storage
  • Sand and gravel operation
  • Scrap metal dealers
Submission Requirements

Submissions should be sent to excess@aligngeneral.com or to submit@aligngeneral.com and include the following information:

    1. Complete submission (ACORD application is required)
    2. Supplemental questionnaire on specialty accounts
    3. Copies of final general liability and auto quotes
    4. Loss summary – 3 years plus current year
    5. Target and expiring pricing for excess layer needing quote
For more information on our Excess Liability product:

Please contact Mike Towell at mtowell@dualinsurance.com or (619) 535-0642 x823.